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Sine laminate cu rotitã de intoarcere

Curbele line si raza micã a varfului lamei reduce riscul de recul si faciliteazã controlul deplin al tãierii. Sinele sunt acoperite epoxidic pentru protectia la zgariere si coroziune. Disponibile cu pasul de .325 " de la lungimea de 13" panã la 20" si cu pasul de 3/8 " de la lungimea de 15" panã la 20".

Snur starter

Poliester rezistent/cord textil de bumbac

Dispozitiv de ascutit

Design nou ce combina scula de ascutire si dispozitivul de masurare.

Canistra combinata

Stocheaza 6 l de combustibil si 2.5 l ulei de lant. Compartimentul de combustibil este dotat cu gura de umplere cu supapa de prea-plin.
Cand rezervorul este plin, debitul este automat oprit, si se poate retrage tubul de umplere fara a exista pericolul de scurgere necontrolata. Canistrele sunt separate una de cealalta printr-un spatiu folosit pentru prinderea de pile si scule.
Aprobate in conformitate cu normele elaborate de catre Institutul Suedez de Cercetare si Testare, SIS 846310 si reglementarile UN 3H1/Y/200/JR/S/SP-93102

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Clupe de masurare

Cu tabel de determinare a volumului de masa lemnoasa, gradate in cm pe doua parti.
Dimensiuni: 46, 80, 95 si 120 CM

Husqvarna ST 230P


Husqvarna ST 230P has been developed for homeowners who need a high-performing snow thrower to clear snow from large garage driveways and paths. It works regardless of surface type thanks to the adjustable skid shoes. Husqvarna ST 230P has been designed for occasional use in all snow conditions, 10-30 cm. It has an efficient two-stage system with high throwing capacity. The handle has adjustable height for comfortable use. Friction-disc transmission, power steering and extra large tyres ensure smooth operation. Features heated handle grips, LED headlights and electric starter for work in all weather conditions.

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Husqvarna ST 224

Husqvarna ST 224 has been developed for homeowners who need a high-performing snow thrower to clear snow from large garage driveways and paths. It works regardless of surface type thanks to the adjustable skid shoes. Husqvarna ST 224 has been designed for occasional use in all snow conditions, 10-30 cm. It has an efficient two-stage system with high throwing capacity. The handle has adjustable height for comfortable use. Friction-disc transmission ensures smooth operation. Features heated handle grips, LED headlights and electric starter for work in all weather conditions.

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Husqvarna ST 151

 Husqvarna ST 151 is perfect for homeowners who need a compact, easy-to-use and efficient snow thrower. It’s been designed to clear snow from hard, flat and narrow surfaces on garage driveways and paths. It is suitable for occasional use in new snow, 5-20 cm. Its compact design makes it easy to operate and store. The efficient rubber auger ensures optimum clearing and merciful treatment of all types of hard surfaces. It features electric starter for easy starting in all weather conditions and LED headlights to allow for evening usage. A remote chute rotator lets you easily direct the snow. 

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Husqvarna TC 138


TC 138 este un tractor de capacitate medie, ideal pentru grădinile de dimensiuni medii. Colectarea se face ușor si eficient, iar coșul colector se poate goli ușor chiar de pe scaunul operatorului. Transmisia automată hidrostatică face condusul o plăcere.


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Husqvarna TC 242



Tractorul TC 242 este ideal pentru grădini mari care au nevoie de un tractor durabil, confortabil și manevrabil. Este un tractor care oferă o colectare deosebit de eficientă a firelor de iarbă, dar și al frunzelor, lăsând în urmă un gazon perfect. Colectorul poate fi golit direct din scaunul operatorului. Echipat cu un motor puternic și transmisie automata hidrostatică, condusul este o placere. În plus, sistemul patentat de direcție U-Cut™ ajută la manevrarea in spații înguste.


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